1. Study Material by DGHE Haryana
  2. DGHE Share Study Materials
  3. Vidya-Mitra - (Integrated e-Content Portal)
  4. e-PG Pathshala
  5. e-ShodhSindhu - (Consortium for Higher Education e-Resources)
  6. Shodhganga - (A reservoir of Indian Theses)
  7. Shodh Shuddhi - (Provides Plagiarism Detection Software to Institutions)
  8. IRINS - (Indian Research Information Network System)
  9. INDCAT - (Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities)
  10. Vidwan
  11. National Digital Library
  12. SWAYAM Online Courses
  13. National Knowledge Network
  14. NPTEL - (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning)
  15. Spoken Tutorial
  16. e-Yantra
  17. FOSSEE - (Free and Open Source Software for Education)
  18. OSCAR - (Open Source Courseware Animations Repository)
  19. E-Kalpa - (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
  20. Directory of Open Access Books
  21. Directory of Open Access Journals
  22. Open Knowledge Repository – World Bank
  23. e-Content Courseware in UG Subjects
  24. SWAYAMPRABHA - (Free DTH Channel for Education)
  25. Talks to Teacher
  26. A-View - (Online Education Tool)
  27. Virtual Labs - (To provide remote-access to Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering)
  28. SNLTR - (Society for Natural Language Technology Research)
  29. Oxford Open Journals
  30. Cambridge University Open Journals
  31. Science Direct Open Access Content
  32. ILOSTAT- (The leading source of labour statistics)
  33. Project Euclid - (Mathematics and statistics online)
  34. Springer Open Journals
  35. Taylor & Francis Open Access
  36. Open Access Theses & Dissertations
  37. The OAPEN Foundation
  38. PubMed Central (PMC)
  39. Southern Connecticut State University
  40. LibriVox – Audio Books